The CBE service needs to be addressed using the EUCARIS Generic Services.

CBEOwnerHolderByRegNumAndDate is a synchronous service can be send using the GetInfo operation of the GenericService.asmx.

CBEMultipleOHByRegNumAndDate and CBEMultipleVehOwnerHolderResponse are asynchronous services which can be send and retrieved using the GenericAsyncService. To send a message (both request and response) to EUCARIS, use the “Send” operation. To get an index of received requests and responses, use the “Index” operation. To retrieve a received message (both request and response) from EUCARIS, use the “Receive” operation.

A CBE Member State can receive both Multi-Case Requests and Single-Case Requests. The Single-Case requests have to be answered online, real-time, and are fired synchronously. The Multi-Case requests are fired asynchronously, i.e. they arrive in the download queue to be picked up. There is no obligation to pick up them up immediately, this can be scheduled.

In answering CBE request messages, a Member State has two options:

  • Build a legacy to handle Single-Case requests, and build a legacy to handle Multi-Case requests.
  • Build a legacy to handle Single-Case requests,  and configure the Batch-Processor functionality in the EUCARIS core. This Batch-Processor can process Multi-Case requests, by picking them up from the download queue, split the batch into Single-Case requests, fire these one by one to the Single-Case legacy, collect all Single-Case responses into a Multi-Case response, and deliver the Multi-Case response to the requesting Member State, by submitting it to the local upload queue. The time and frequency with which the Batch-Processor runs, can be configured by the Member State itself (e.g. you can schedule it to run overnight only). Please review the Installation and Operation manual, paragraph “Batch processor schedules”.

Please review the development documentation, sample CBE messages and WSDLs available in the latest Custom Development Pack which can be downloaded using the following link:

EUCARIS Custom Development **

** Valid credentials are required to access the files on this site. Credentials can be requested via EUCARIS Operations