During the acceptance test we will ask you to perform inquiries to country EUCOP and we will perform inquiries to you (acceptance environment). We will then analyze the request and response messages.

The eCall Test documentation can be downloaded here:

eCall Test documentation **

This documentation is a ZIP file containing:

  • an acceptance plan (EUCARIS-eCall MS tests);
  • a data overview (EUCARIS eCall Data Overview-X);
  • a test data overview (EUCARIS eCall Test Data MS);
  • a test data overview of EUCOP (EUCARIS test data EUCOP)

The latest overview of available test data in country EUCOP can be downloaded here:

EUCOP test data **

Before we start the acceptance tests we would like to ask you to:

  • Read the acceptance plan;
  • Fill in the test data overview with sufficient test data and return this document;
  • Fill in the data overview and return this document. (in this document an NL example is also included);
  • Indicate whether you intend to use the default Eucaris web client or develop a customized (web)client;

Please return the requested documents and inform us when you want to start the acceptance test. Keep in mind that on average two to three test rounds have to be executed before all observed errors are fixed and a positive advice can be given, it is therefore advised to have developers available during the acceptance test.

** Valid credentials are required to access the files on this site. Credentials can be requested via EUCARIS Operations